Our story
We are building fiber-as-a-utility.
Digital Infrastructure Group (DIG) was founded by partners with multi-decade expertise in the finance, engineering, and telecom sectors.
As work and school from home became the normal during the COVID-19 Pandemic, it became apparent that North America’s broadband infrastructure was insufficient to address modern day connectivity requirements.
DIG knows that FTTP (fiber-to-the-premise) technology offers vastly superior connectivity compared to satellite, fixed wireless, antiquated DSL, and coaxial cable services. Expanding FTTP, for constituents, is a top political priority in the USA and Canada.

As broadband is rapidly becoming the fourth utility alongside water, power, and sewer, infrastructure investors have started to use the project finance framework to invest in municipal-wide broadband infrastructure.
DIG designs, builds, finances, maintains, and assists in operations of FTTP networks in North America. DIG offers a multi-toolkit of financing options, from combining public contributions with infrastructure private equity investor capital to municipal revenue-bond options from our strategic partners in the brokerage sector.
DIG has also forged strategic relationships and developed proven contract mechanisms with key stakeholders. These key stakeholders are responsible for bringing a FTTP project from an idea to a fully operational network. On the design and build portions of the project, DIG has longstanding relationships in the engineering, construction, hardware, and technology industries. On the operations side, DIG has established relationships with numerous internet service providers which round-out a successful consortium for FTTP projects.
Ready to see it in action?
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